Education Center

Teaching people about the heart of California…

The Delta

The purpose and goals of the project are to build an Educational Center about the Delta, in the Delta, and for the Delta, the State and the nation. The project will educate the public on the environmental, historical, and cultural influences that created the region, how the region has evolved over time, and the possibilities for the future of the Delta.

In addition, the Education Center will serve as a physical Gateway to the Delta—an identifiable landmark to locate and orient residents and visitors.  The Education Center will provide the public with information about the Delta, while serving as a destination for the public to learn, understand, and better know one of the unique geographic regions in the State.

The building will be an approximately 8,000 square foot Visitor's Center on a 2.28 acre site. It will provide scholarships for Delta students and stimulate the Delta economy. The Education Center will support Delta programs and businesses while educating people about the importance of the California Delta.

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Enhancing Awareness

The mission of the Discover the Delta Foundation Education Center is to enhance awareness and understanding of the Delta, provide environmental education to visitors, and encourage appreciation and exploration of the Delta.


Project Status

  • The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy approved a Planning Grant of up to $223,456 to non-profit Discover the Delta Foundation to update its building plans and obtain a new building permit for the Delta Education Center.

  • The environmental review has been issued by Sac County.

  • Cal Trans has begun work around the Education Center to improve traffic flow.

  • To get updates on the project, subscribe to our newsletter.

Help us make the Education Center a reality


Located in the heart of the Delta

Located at the southeast corner of Highway 12 and Highway 160 near Rio Vista, California, the Delta Education Center will teach visitors about the California Delta’s heritage, its peoples, and its related science.

What People Are Saying


“We support the Delta Education Center and look forward to seeing its doors open.”

— Jody Bogle, The Bogle Family Winery


“I commend your work to establish an education center for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and stand ready to support that effort in any way that I can.”

-John Garamendi, California District 3

“We all know that students learn best with opportunities that engage them in hands-on experiences and this Delta Education Center will allow that to happen.”

— Greg Hetrick, Superintendent, Oakley Union Elementary School District


“We are excited for the opportunity this project would bring to our community and surrounding area.”

— Sue Tipp, President, Board of Isleton Chamber of Commerce